About us:
Jesus-walks.com focuses on the life of Jesus
and presents the Biblical sites and information in an original
format - event by event.
This web site is managed by the staff at
- Holy land sites review.
BibleWalks reviews the Biblical sites, which
are grouped by regions of the Holy Land. Each site is detailed and
accompanied with original photos, information, maps and links.
All photos are copyright of
the parent company of this website .
The photos may not be used, inserted or displayed without a written
permission from BibleWalks.
The theme "100 events in last 1000 days" is
copyrighted by Biblewalks.com and may not be used in any form
without a written permission from BibleWalks staff.
About Jesus-Walks.com
Jesus-Walks.com provides a pictorial summary of
the 100 events (acts, healing, travel and miracles) of Jesus in his
last 1000 days. This manually-controlled "slide show" reviews the life
of Jesus from the beginning of his ministry at the age of 30 until his
Each event shows a photo, site overview and link to a detailed
site review, Biblical references from the four Gospels, and optional
The list was compiled based on the Harmonies of the Gospels, which
are an attempt to organize the Four Gospels into some chronological
Start the tour by clicking on the
icon of the hand. This will take you to the first event. You can, at any
stage, go back or front. |
(click to next event) |
History of major changes:
Sep 2013 - overhaul of site (thanks to Judie Swaney for her great
Apr 2012 - major overhaul of the site; new web site address
Jan 2008 - new website featuring 100 events (Jesus-footsteps.com)