
 Khirbet Kanaf is a beautiful site that overlooks the Sea of Galilee from the southern Golan Heights, above the area north of the lake. In this site there are ruins of an ancient 3rd Century synagogue, the remnants of an Arab village (Mazrat Kanaf) , and a panorama of the Bethsaida valley and the Sea of Galilee.


 The village started in the middle Bronze (Caananite) period and reached its peak at the Roman and Byzantine times. Although it is not referred to in the New Testament, it is probable that Jesus visited the site, since it one of the closest villages to Bethesda and Capernaum and the center of activity of Jesus' for three years (~27-30AD).

 The synagogue is typical of the 3rd Century Golan synagogues. Some of its stones are located on the site, others were relocated to the museum. The synagogue was probably reused in the Byzantine period as a church.


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Mk 6:6: "And he went round about the villages, teaching."







   Jesus travels in the Galilee




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